Film Gallery
In this section you will find a selection of films that have been shared by family carers of adults with learning disabilities.
Some of the films have been created by family carers. Other films are films that convey something that matters to family carers about their experiences of caring.
The Art of Bureaucracy and the Mother Carer
[VIDEO DESCRIPTION] The screen has a black border with a white inner border. Inside the white border is a grey square with a blurred image of dark cream rectangles in the bottom left quarter of the image and a lighter blurred rectangle in the top left quarter. The image stays the same throughout but shifts in focus. Audio Description Fuzzy loud tapping and scraping sounds. A louder machine sound plays. The sound of loud rhythmic tapping. A loud sharp scraping sound follows. The sound of a printer follows. Followed by tapping and a sound similar to chairs scraping. A slow printing sound follows. ​ More tapping and printing sounds alternating. A printer churning sound followed by tapping. ​ A printer finishing printing.
Julie's Film
I Just Can't Do This Anymore
Dawn's Film
How Life Was
This video represents how life was before institutionalisation and sectioning, something that has been traumatic for all the family. It also represents how much we love our son and will always stand by him.